Lint Traps

How Does A Lint Trap Work:

Lint traps are designed to separate solids such as buttons, stones, strings and lint which helps keep the drain lines clear and can help save money on drain maintenance. This is achieved through the gravity separation. The bigger and heavier buttons, stones, etc. will be kept in the first compartment, while the smaller and lighter particles, such as string and lint will be trapped in the second compartment and on the removable screen.

It works by allowing the waste water to flow from the inlet piping into the interceptors main chamber passing through the affixed perforated primary screen and removable secondary screen, into the main body chamber, then exits the interceptor to the sanitary drain system.

Tackling Laundromat Lint:

Keeping your industrial/commercial dryers clean lets you achieve a few things at once. First it ensures that every load of laundry comes out fresh, clean and dry. Second it will improve your dryer’s efficiency and may length the lifespan of each unit. Most importantly, it will prevent the build up of lint residue, which can cause mechanical issues and present a fire hazard.

So if you own a industrial/commercial dryer, don’t underestimate the importance of maintenance when it comes to tackling Lint Traps. It will help protect your investment and prolong the life span of your equipment.